Check out our top 5 New Years' Resolutions:

We will try not to scare the mailman off. That means we will have to mark our territory in other ways BUT we will acknowledge that inside plants are not the same as outside plants. So our territory marking may be limited to special outside plants confusing!
There will also be no more barking at friends that enter the house or ring the doorbell... they will be greeted only with tail wags and kisses from now on.

We want to shred a few kilos this year! If you have a harness and lead there will be no excuse for you not to go for a good walk. You will see the difference after a couple of weeks, your humans will too!
There will be no need to fret when we sniff your butt; all this walking will help tone your behind in no time.

We were told to make realistic resolutions so… we will save our begging for only the drool-worthy foods. Be warned, when it comes to Fit'n'Flash Treats all bets are off!
We also promise to try new healthy super foods like Broccoli which aids in digestion and detoxification, has cancer fighting properties, repairs skin damages and supports eye and heart health!

We will do our best not to wake mama for morning walkies. Something tells us that morning kisses aren’t her favourite.
Instead we will find more constructive activities to keep us occupied such as pulling apart our favourite toy or digging in the garbage.

We promise to keep up the fluffy good looks after a DOGUE pampering treatment. This means that as tempting as it may be, rolling around to get that ‘fresh dog smell’ is off limits. We may miss this one the most :(
Leave us a comment and tell us what your New Year's resolutions are! We might get inspired to add a few to our list ;)
Licks and sniffs and a Happy New Year,
DOGUE team