Our very own dog blog where we share exciting titbits of fashion, promotions, doggy DIY and gossip on all things canine … and occasionally feline.
Our Blogs

Our Guide to Getting a New Puppy | Bow Wow Meow
Are you looking to add a new puppy to your life?If you have already decided which breed is right for you, the next thing to decide on is the best...
Our Guide to Getting a New Puppy | Bow Wow Meow
Are you looking to add a new puppy to your life?If you have already decided which breed is right for you, the next thing to decide on is the best...

Top 5 MUST HAVE dog products for summer
How to stay cool in summerThe hot summer months are nearly here and we need to know how to keep cool! There are lots of doggy products for summer that...
Top 5 MUST HAVE dog products for summer
How to stay cool in summerThe hot summer months are nearly here and we need to know how to keep cool! There are lots of doggy products for summer that...

What to Consider Before Getting a New Puppy or Dog
Are you ready for a new dog or puppy in your family? Owning a dog can be a wonderful experience but it’s also a huge commitment.Before you pick up that...
What to Consider Before Getting a New Puppy or Dog
Are you ready for a new dog or puppy in your family? Owning a dog can be a wonderful experience but it’s also a huge commitment.Before you pick up that...

Dr Katrina talks training tips: Puppy playtime
Dr Katrina shares her tips for puppy playtimePuppy play sessions are a fun way for you to bond with your puppy while doing something that comes naturally to them. Puppies...
Dr Katrina talks training tips: Puppy playtime
Dr Katrina shares her tips for puppy playtimePuppy play sessions are a fun way for you to bond with your puppy while doing something that comes naturally to them. Puppies...

Tips for grooming at home
Our tips for grooming your dog at homeRegular grooming is vital for dogs of all breeds. It helps them maintain a shiny, tangle-free coat, whilst allowing you to check for...
Tips for grooming at home
Our tips for grooming your dog at homeRegular grooming is vital for dogs of all breeds. It helps them maintain a shiny, tangle-free coat, whilst allowing you to check for...

Our Top 5 Boredom Busters
Relieve your dogs boredom...Keep them busy with our new Boredom Buster range Outward Hound | Fun Feeders – these fun feeders keep your pup engaged, and improves their digestion while...
Our Top 5 Boredom Busters
Relieve your dogs boredom...Keep them busy with our new Boredom Buster range Outward Hound | Fun Feeders – these fun feeders keep your pup engaged, and improves their digestion while...