Fit’n’Flash explains their food philosophy!
Fit’n’Flash wants to keep it's dog food as natural as possible so there is no preservatives, no colours, no flavourings, no nothing! Plus they have had years of experience figuring out what dogs drool over - making them one of our favourite dog treat brands!
DOGUE went behind the brand with Fit’n’Flash to find out what they think is important for a balanced doggy diet and what they focus on when they create dog treats.

D: What is your brand’s approach/philosophy to nutrition?
F: What we are interested in doing is ensuring Fit’n’Flash uses the best quality Australian grown, human grade ingredients in our products. We don’t use additives, colours or artificial flavours and preservatives in the Fit’n’Flash range, just the natural meat air dried.
D: What are some of the common issues that result from poor diet?
F: We like to keep the fat levels low to help owners manage the weight of their animals, and the chicken and kangaroo are ideal ( due to their low fat levels) for dogs with pancreatitis problems or skin conditions.
D: How important is flavour in a canine diet – do dogs really have preferences to different flavours i.e. chicken, beef…?
F: We tend to find the chicken product is pretty universally liked by all dogs and cats, and once an owner realises their pet has a favourite, I think they tend to continue purchasing that flavor/product.
You can shop the entire Fit'n'Flash range in-store or online at DOGUE!
Find out more about Fit’n’Flash: www.fitnflash.com.au