We were lucky enough to team up with Dr. Lisa Chimes for an episode of her pawsome show, Dr. Lisa to the Rescue!
In Season 2, Episode 6 of Dr. Lisa to the Rescue, we meet big-hearted pet lovers Peter and Linda who already have a cat (Jack) and one rescue dog (Jacqui), and now are are ready to take on a second rescue dog (Bill). Dr. Lisa offers her expertise advice to ensure the whole family can live happily and harmoniously together.
To say thank you to Peter, Linda and Jacqui the Fox Terrier for accepting another rescue pooch into their home, we added some special goodies to a bark-tastic welcome hamper for both new family member Bill and Jacqui to enjoy! Our contributions included a Mog & Bone Bed, DOGUE Canvas Walkwear and Vouchers.
You can watch the Full Episode here as well as stay up to date with Dr. Lisa's Blog here.
Catch Dr. Lisa to the Rescue every Saturday from 4.30pm on Channel Nine.