Winter will be barking at the door any day!
Check out our five top tips to ensure a snuggly warm mutt this winter.
Rug up
The first sign of a cold canine is the shivers. Smaller sized dogs and those with short hair are especially prone to the cold weather, so look into getting a cotton woolly jumper or doggy pyjamas to keep your pup snug during the day and at night.
You’ll add a layer of insulation and look canine-chic too!
Warm Bedding

For those canines with arthritis, place a hot water bottle at the bottom of their bedding for extra comfort and soothing support on their joints. Try out one of our favourite products – the snugglesafe heat pad, it will keep warm for up to 10 hours which means comfort and bliss all through the night.
Protect the paws from the cold
There's nothing worse than cold paws! Use booties while walking outside to keep your paws snuggly warm. Don't forget that the cold weather and humidity can cause dryness and cracks so get your human to moisturise and hydrate your paws by applying this healing paw balm.
You'll have the smoothest paws on the block!
Stay Fit
To benefit your pups physical and mental wellness it's important that daily exercise is still a go, even in Winter. Exercise will get your blood circulating and keep you from getting too cold, so wake up your human and drag them out of bed into that winter air for walkies. You'll get rid of that excess energy and feel refreshed for the day! Let's go!
If the weather is oh so dreary, remember that exercising the mind is just as good. Mind-stimulating games such as this DIY Boredom Buster will keep you entertained when indoors.
Nothing warms our hearts as much as cuddles and belly rubs so give us plenty of both and we’ll be content, oh and the occasional liver treat never hurts…
How does your hooman keep you warm in winter? Leave us a comment below!
Licks and Sniffs,